Monday, 31 December 2007
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Matthews daughter arrived this afternoon (the joy!) she has now opened her presents and showed not one bit of excitement at receiving a new television from us (ungrateful little sh*t), at least when she is here she plays with the girls, well that is when they are not arguing or fighting over something, then she sulks (like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield show)!
Must go, time to sort some tea!
Thursday, 27 December 2007
I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas. We had a lovely day, Lillie and Hollie woke about 8.30am so thankfully not too early! They were very excited to find a christmas sack with some pressies in at the end of their beds! We then had breakfast before letting them head into the room for all of the other pressies, and with no word of a lie, there were bl**dy loads!!!
Mum and dad arrived for lunch and couldn't even get in the living room let alone sit down! We had a delicious prawn cocktail to start, followed by turkey lunch with all the trimmings, and no one had room for dessert, so mum dad and I had christmas pud at about 4pm! Mum spent most of the afternoon and evening getting most of the girls toys removed from their ever so annoying packaging. She was over the moon with the pictures we had done of the children and she didn't have a clue about them!
Yesterday/boxing day we always go to mum and dad's for the day, the past couple of years we have dropped the girls off and gone sale shopping getting back in time for lunch, this year we couldn't be bothered so I said I would have a quick look on-line, and managed to reserve a few bits in argos but nothing much worth having. We had a lovely beef roast, followed by too many desserts!! We played a couple of games of bingo, yeah I had the lucky card and won 1 line, 2 lines and full house on the first game and would have done again on the 2nd game but Jordan was the bingo caller and went a bit too fast at times and missed some balls out! I think we all left there about 10pm.
Today we went into town to hit what was left of the sales. We managed to get quite a few pressies for various birthdays, mothers/fathers day and christmas, but nothing like in previous years. We just weren't interested in it this year, I think it's knowing everywhere had sales leading up to christmas that we know we will still not need to spend a fortune if we do it nearer the time. I bought myself a top in the sale before christmas and really liked it, and managed to get it in 2 other colours today, and also the (black ) coat I wear in brown for £10 so I was really pleased.
Tomorrow is tidy up day, and try to find somewhere to put some of the presents, toys etc oh that is going to be one mamouth task!
Monday, 24 December 2007
Oh look he's been already!Hope he enjoyed it!
Well all that's left for me to say is have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Saturday, 22 December 2007

I find this picture so amuzing!!!
Friday, 21 December 2007
Lovely isn't it ???!!!...
We cadged a lift into town with dad, I had to pick up my new specs, yep I still like them, but I would have liked some Gok Wan ones they are funky but I really didn't want to spend a lot of money (especially this time of year!). I got Matthew another pressie I was going to get aftershave but when I was waiting in the queue in WHSmiths I saw a Everything you need to know about DIY book on offer and thought I'd get that, it's full of useful info on the structure of the house, wiring, plumbing, electrical work etc he should like it!
Yesterday I made a cake for my Auntie who was supposed to collect the one I made her at the weekend, but it still sat here Wednesday so I cut it up for Matthews pack up, and made her a fresh one! I also made chocolate topped flapjacks, but mine never seem to stay in one piece and always crumble, ah well the girls like it! Kay nipped round with Hollie's birthday pressie as she won't be able to make it on Sunday. Mandy popped round for a drink and we exchanged christmas presents for the children. Whilst she was here Claire and the boys arrived and they soon started wrestling (showing off) until Claire frog marched them into the kitchen for their lunch! After Mandy left, Claire and I took the children to the local rare breeds farm to see father christmas, they do the barn up with the animals and parts of the nativity story set out around the inside, with baby jesus in his manger in the middle, then there are letter to write and post to f.c. and baubles (cardboard) to decorate and hang on the tree. F.C. was quite good and talked to the children for a while and then gave them a pressie each, I think they were pleased and had a nice time.
Today I have made 6 cakes for my order although she won't want them now until the new year (she will freeze them) as I really don't want to be baking all morning on new years day! We will deliver them in the morning en-route to town, yes I have persuaded Matthew to take us to Morrissons but he says we have to go early or not at all. I also made 2 lots of shortbread, something I haven't made since school I think. Lillie has sampled it and says it's yummy! I have also made my first ever necklace, I am really pleased with how it has turned out, I have made matching bracelet and earrings to. I was inspired by Caro (CM&PC forum friend) to try this stlye, it's one I will definately be making again a few more times!
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Our new piggie is called Candy(floss) and she is so placid, you can sit her on your knee and that's it she just sits there! I have introduced her to Stipes and they are now forming a friendship, even if Stripes only has 1 thing on his mind at the moment, naughty boy!!!!!
what a cute couple!!Lillie had cooked christmas lunch today at school, sounds like it went well, especially the ice-cream christmas trees!! They then had their christmas party and had a visit from Father Christmas. She came out of school with a bag full of cards, gifts and things she had made, so the first thing she did when she got in was open them all!!
I have actually written my christmas cards today so they are all ready to deliver, finally made the last personal card didn't make too many as I popped a picture of the girls in with some as this was the quicker option.
Tomorrow me and the girls are off to town with dad, I've got my new glasses to collect, oh I hope I still like them! May get a couple more additional pressies if I see anything that takes my fancy!
If you want to have some seasonal fun click on this link, this game is sooo.... much fun and passed on by a friend on the CM&PC forum
Monday, 17 December 2007
This morning I have quickly made the 2 cards for an order a lady gave me at the demo on Wednesday, she wanted a flower for her mum and said if it wasn't too christmassy her mum would probably keep it up all year, and a card for her grandson who likes football, this was more of a challenge as I don't have too many boy things. I hope she likes them. I am going to attempt to get my personal cards made, written and finished this afternoon. But first I must go to the post office and get lots of stamps.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
my handmade jewellery tree!
Monday, 10 December 2007
these monkees are sooo... cute!Also managed to get a brown set of jewellery made, for some reason I think the browns look so nice, one of my faves
Got Lillie's nativity play tomorrow, looking forward to that, must charge the batteries for the camera and delete a load of pictures, so I can take loads of our 'Mary'!! At last Matthew got his butt in gear and has got the camcorder ready to. I have got another ticket to go again in the afternoon, but am now thinking it may be a bad idea taking more time out of the day when we will be pulling our hair out getting ready and packing the car up for the fair. Will have to see how we are doing for time.
Here as promised is a picture of the other gift boxes Matthew has been painstakingly making for me along with the bag/boxes I showed a few days ago, we also have tissue paper to go in them and some confetti stars if required!!
Sunday, 9 December 2007
After a scrummy lamb roast dinner, I filled and bagged up my cakes and Matthew put the christmas lights up out-side, this year he has gone to town a bit more and put icicles around the girls playhouse with a big santa on a moon, and also a string around the tree at the gate, oh we do look nice and festive!!!
We then delivered the cakes, dropped the girls off at mum and dads and took auntie her cake, showed her my latest jewellery makes, she was very impressed, says I'm a clever little bu**er!! She is a flower arranger and insists that I will take over the wreath making side of things when she gives up, problem is I am too paricular, I made my own wreath for my nan and helped with others, but I was taking so long and doing it just so that they said do it like this and plonked big clumps of greenery in it mmmm.... my way would've looked neater LOL.
Well I didn't get the card made for my cousin so must get that done tomorrow and in the post or else it won't get there for christmas. Also want to get a few notelets sets made, maybe some note books covered and a couple of bracelets done, so keep an eye out for piccies maybe tomorrow!
Saturday, 8 December 2007
With help from Matthew we have put inserts in all of the cards that were lacking them and bagged them up with envelopes, what a tedious job that is! It's amazing how many I have actually got as stock, we packed up over 40 tonight and they were just odds and sods that I make when the urge takes me, it would be so nice for them to sell well at the fair. I think I am looking forward to it, I just wish it were indoors, we are going to freeeezze........
Well must get this machine switched off for another day.
Friday, 7 December 2007
After dropping Lillie at school we delivered the cakes to my auntie, then headed into town, we only needed to go into 2 shops and Matalans which is on the outskirts, but Matthew knowing me only too well (as he should, we've been together 7 years!) put a 2 hour parking ticket on the car! So we went in more than the 2 shops, obviously!! We did manage to get a couple more christmas pressies, so we have now finished off his mum's bits and got a bit for my mum and dad but I still need more for them, uugghhh....
We finally got home and had fish and chips for dinner, and then had and hour and a half to get all of the boxes of christmas decs out of the loft, and start getting the tree up before having to collect Lillie. That's about all we managed to get done to, and I don't mean the tree decorated just up with the lights on!!
We went grocery shopping after we picked Lillie up, then got home to a room full of boxes to go through. We finally got finished and all boxes back up the loft about half an hour ago, so now I am going to give Stripes (the guinnea pig a cuddle, as Matthew has just taken him in the room), bless him he keeps biting at the bars to try and get out of his cage, he's so sweet!
Thursday, 6 December 2007
They say no rest for the wicked, I think they are right!!!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
And would you believe today when I took the bag charm (prize for the raffle) up to playgroup, the organizer said I am more than welcome to take some in and display it there to! and also if I have an advert or flyer I can put it in their information book.
How amazing is that, I didn't have to ask!
this one has a t-shirt as the topper which says 'wine makes mummy silly' which indeed it does! Max said they could be funny!he also said shoes and handbags, the feather really gives that girly feel to it
and this one from him, I hadn't made one of these for ages but she really liked the ones I had made at the time so thought that'll do!
and finally the anniversary card, not your usual look but she's not really cutesy, and she really does love her wine!!!! She was actually on the sherry when I called in on Sunday, I think it's sherry when she puts the decs up and port when she wraps the presents!!!!! The flower has a heart shaped button in the centre for the lovey touch!
I've also managed to get 2 bracelets, 1 bag charm and 1 pair of earrings made this afternoon/after tea, which I am pleased about, as I think these are the things that may sell better at the craft fair. Matthew bless him has spray painted my twig, which I want set into a pot, from which I am going to hang my jewels, he has also been making several gift box/bags for them (piccie tomorrow), and he has designed a card (he described as looking like a present with a bow on top) to hang the earrings from, it's not at all bad! It was so funny a minute ago when we attached a pair of earrings to one of them, when he held it up it looks a bit like an angel with dangly legs!!! We took a few bits out to the garage and hung them on the branch which is actually hanging upside down waiting for a second coat of paint, and I think they are going to look pretty damn good! It's nice having him to help me.
these look really pretty in the flesha muti coloured bracelet, I don't like this myself but will leave it as it may be to someones taste.
I hope to get some more made tomorrow, especially a watch or two and more bracelets. But I have baking to do for my auntie, and have the urge to make some sausage rolls to.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Today we went shopping after we dropped Lillie of at school, I decided that I would have a recordable dvd player for christmas (yes not crafty, but I do also want some stamps I have my eye on!) Matthew wanted surround sound to as the dvd player we have has it already, so I said we would go halves on them with the money we get from his mum and dad. When it rung through the till, with the discount off the dvd player and s.sound combined came to what we thought we were paying for the recorder alone, so not at all bad!!
We just got home in time to pick Lillie up, then Matthew went and had his hair cut, leaving me to unpack the shopping and start the food for the domies game tonight.
So no crafting done at all today, but glad I managed to get the last 2 baskets the same as the ones I already have from Dunelms, all ready for my craft stall next Tuesday. Oh I also phoned the chairlady of the group I am demonstrating for next week to ask how many ladies there would be, to make up the card packs, I nearly fell off my chair when she said they have 59 on the books, but thankfully they don't all always turn up!!!!!! She said about 30, so I've got my work cut out making all of those kits up this week!!
Well time to get the girls into bed.
Off to have my hair chopped tomorrow, I'm off for a 'pob' I want blonde in it but still can't decide on 2 bold strips at the front round my face or highlighted all allover. Only time will tell, what happens on the day!!