Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Time for some Candy!

At long last I am ready to have my first blog candy! It's kind of celebrating 3 things a belated blogoversary, sailing past 10,000 hits Wow I still can't believe that, thank you so much and my forthcoming birthday next week.
So I've made up a little parcel of goodies which include various different 8x8 sheets of dp, a roll of pink velvet ribbon, a pack of assorted buttons, some of my flower stash and a brand new Sugar Nellie 'Baby Millie' rubber stamp designed by Rachelle Ann Miller.
I will also include a handmade card and maybe some stamped images and other bits and pieces I come accross!

To join in all you have to do is add a link on your blog referring to my candy then come back and leave a comment on this post.

All the names will be put in a box and I will get my youngest daughter Hollie to pick the winner which will be announced sometime on Saturday 25th October (day after my birthday!)

Closing date and time for my candy is Friday 24th October midnight UK time.

Thank you and good luck!


craft mad Jenny said...

ooh, such lovely blog candy - thanks for the chance to win!

I've got some on my blog too if you want to enter!!


Angelswings_2 said...

Wonderful candy Joanne, I hope whoever wins it has fun with all the yummy stuff!

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Congratulations hun and what fab blog candy. I've posted up on my blog to spread the word. Congratulation on so many hits and your blogiversary! Hugs, Nikki x

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your blogiversary, hits and Happy upcoming Birthday! :)
Linked you!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Heidi said...

Wonderful candy- I love your music too! Thanks for sharing all your yummy creations with us. I will add you to my blog candy roll call!

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Joanne congrats on all three blogoversary, 10,000 hits and of course your Birthday I would love to go into your draw and have put a link on the side of my blog for you thanks so much from Lisa

Stitchinwitch said...

Lovely blog candy. I have a little something on my blog too if you want to pop over.

Stampin Mindy said...

Great Blog Candy! I'm having my first Blog candy too.. Stop by!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! This would be great for making my homemade cards and scrapbooking.

Thanks for the great candy!


nice prize-

Stampin Mindy said...

Great pack of goodies you are giving away! Happy Blogging!

Sammy said...

Great goodies up for grabs.

Apple Valley said...

OOo Great blog candy,Thank you

Julie said...

Congratulations on getting past 10,000 hits. I hope you have a lovely birthday with lots of pampering. Thanks for the chance to win lots of brill candy. I've added a link in my blog.
Julie x

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations for all the celebrations. Gorgeous candy, so generous of you to give it away. Happy Birthday for next week and I've left alink and post on my blog.

Sally said...

Lovely blog candy Joanne. Love the layout of your blog also.

Stacy said...

I dont have a blog, but maybe I will be considered.


Karin said...

Hi Joanne,

congratulations and wawuw what a great candy.
I made a link on the right side of my blog.

Have a nice Sunday,
xoxo Karin

Debsydoo said...

Lovely candy Joanne and love the new designed blog.
Have add the link to mine

hugs Debs x (Debsydoo)

Ann Hedvig said...

Great blogcandy, and Happy Birthday in advance :o)

Karen said...

You have a great blog Joanna: Congrats on hitting the 10000 and the blogaversary. Also wishing you a Happy Birthday!
I've left a link on the right of my blog and got fingers crossed - Thanks for the chance of winning some lovely candy and helping you celebrate.

Toni said...

fabulous candy congrats on your hits lovely cards too

Sam said...

Happy celebrating. What lovely blog candy, here's hoping I get picked!
Sam x

Tamara said...

Wow fabulous candy! Your blog is beautiful.
Thanks for the chance!
Greetings from Switzerland.

Anonymous said...

Great candy. Thanks!!!!

kc_froglady said...

Congratulations on all accounts! You can check out my referral to your blog here!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10,000 hits and Happy Birthday! Thanks for letting all of us celebrate with you.

craftymumof3 said...

Hi Joanne. Thanks for giving us the chancew to win this fab candy. Congratulations on your 10,000 hits and your blogoversary and Happy Birthday too

craftymumof3 said...

ooopps I forgot to leave the link to my blog

clare said...

hi jo...omg congarts onyour hits..and thanks for giving us a chance to win this lovely candy.
happy birthday hun xx hope you have a fab day xx
hugs clarexx

clare said...

opps..sorry to say..just posted a link on mine to your blog candy xx

sheffsue said...

Congratulations on 10,000+, your blogaversary and your upcoming birthday. Thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy!

Sue x

joybob said...

I don't have a stamping blog. Love your card making skills. Please enter me in you blog candy contest,

Sena said...

I'd love to join in! Congrats on your hits! Very cool! Posted about your candy:


lalalla said...

sooo sweet candy! here is my blog entry

congrats on hits!

Lou Sims said...

Georgeous selection of goodies. Have really enjoyed looking around your blog.

Have left a link on my blog.

JackieLou said...

Wow you make great cards with the whiff of joy stamps. heard ya had a blog candy hehehe Just thought I'd join in since I never win any no matter how many blog candy I enter hehehe. Advance happy birthday by the way.

Pam's Pride said...

Congrats on the hits! Linking you up to my blog!

Anonymous said...

A shout out has been posted on my blog at
Thanks for this opportunity

Sande said...

Congrats on all three: blogoversary, 10,000 hits and ur upcoming Birthday!!
Very sweet candy u have! I will link u to my blog. Hugs, Sande.

Clare said...

Congrats on the birthday this weekend, have a great day. Please enter me into the draw for the candy, LOL xx

Tracey said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary Joanne & have a lovely birthday on 24th :o)

I've linked you to my blog (on the right hand side).


Kamaftut said...

Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats !!!

Here is my blog

Best regards


Kamaftut said...

Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats !!!

Here is my blog

Best regards


Pejtoon said...

This Candy is lovely :) I hope you will pick me :D
I post it on my blog.
Hugs, Marta from Poland :)

Cazzy said...

I have put a link on my blog Joanne, thanks for putting up candy.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the hits - i have added a link on my page:

annie x

Regina said...

Congratulations on so many hits! I have put a link on my sidebar.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful blog candy.

Pixia said...

Beautiful and sweet Candy.

Best regards

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!!! thank's for the chance to win a blog candy!!!

Caro said...

Happy Birthday Joanne, and congratulations on all accounts. Thanks for the chance to win some candy...I have posted a link on my blog Love, Caro xx

Zielona said...

Very nice blog candy :)

Katie L Oakley said...

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Here is my shout out!
