Here are the girls in the gateway to Thomas Land which is right at the beginning of the park. This has the smaller rides for younger children, although the roller coaster was pretty fast lol!!! Oh and you may think it looks quiet! This was at the end of the day when the park was emptying!! We timed it wrong and there were coach load after coach load of school children, scouts etc
We finished off our trip with a visit to Cadbury World which was only 20 mins away from where we were staying, it seemed silly to be so close and not go, well that was my excuse anyway!!
Here are the girls posing during part of the tour, this part was the advertising area, recreating some of the past adverts.
Here are the girls tempuring (think that's what it was called) the melted chocolate, they had a splatula and kept turing over and stirring the chocolate to cool it, making it shiny and easier to use, obviously this wasn't going to be eaten!!
you could write your name in chocolate, so we did!!
Here are the girls in front of a display where the dog is watching choccie adverts!
We were each given a packet of buttons and a curly wurly when we first started the tour, and later we each got a bar of dairy milk, yumm!!!! We very conveniently ended up in the shop, mind you it wasn't an awful lot cheaper, and we really didn't need chocolate anyway (still have easter eggs!!!).
We had a really nice time, the weather was hit and miss, short sharp showers and then really warm. The only thing that put a bit of a dampener on things was Hollie having a water infection, having to go to the toilet every 15 or so minutes, which was a pain when in a queue for a ride. We asked if there was anything they could give her at a pharmacy but everything they had was for adults. They said the hospital was just up the road, and although they don't have an A&E they did have a couple of locom dr's I could take her to see. Which after thought and consideration we did, we must've been in there over an hour as Matthew and Lillie stayed in the car and almost watched a whole dvd!! We saw the nurse, who then wanted to us to talk to the dr. he gave Hollie a prescription for some medicine which now seems to have worked. Our dr just has to chase up the water sample results as they were being sent away. They said that if it were ear/throat infection they wouldn't bother going further but with a water problem in a small child it could be something else. So best to get it checked out. She says she feels better, and hasn't mentioned having a problem at school, but I've not been there to see how many times she goes to the toilet.
What a fun trip! My DS would have thought he'd died and gone to Heaven at Thomas Land when he was younger. :) Hope your daughter is better.
Hi Joanna long time since we talked sorry about that just don't seem enough time for me to vist all the blogs I love. How are you good I hope? looks like you have had a lovley trip with your children and hope you little daugther feels better. Big hugs from Lisa
Hi Sweetie! Remember me! =) hope your little one is feeling much better now and what a fun day out!!! Hope all is well xxx hugs xxx
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