Today after school I had to take Lillie over to my old village church as it's their flower festival this weekend and Lillie has done an arrangement for them the past 3 years!! This years theme is 'childhood memories'. My auntie had chosen the theme snakes and ladders for Lillie to work around, here she is in creative mode!

and with the finished arrangement

She normally does her arrangement in a little nook in the porch, so imagine my surprise when we got there and there was a big table set up for her!
So this left the little nook all bare and sad looking, so whilst Hollie and I were waiting in the porch for mum and Lillie to finish looking around we decided to start making a quick arrangement with the leftovers that mum had ready to take to the car!!!
Here is Hollie creating (I let mum help her, so it's not my handy work!)

and here she is with her finished arrangement!

We hadn't banked on her doing one so she didn't have a theme, but bless her on the way back in the car to mum and dads she said she could have put the skipping rope (which we had taken over for another lady and then didn't use) with her arrangement for skipping!! genius!!
Well we have a busy weekend ahead of us in the kitchen, we hope to get it finished (well almost, still waiting for a couple of bits that were messed up with our order).
Love the photos Joanne, they are very talented girls!!
What a talent she is! Wow!!! Creativity seems to be genetic :) And the most wonderful is, when the talented kids have so much fun doing what they're good in. A real Flower-Power-Girl ;)
Hugs to her,
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