My eldest daughter Lillie has been losing teeth like nobody's business, she lost 2 this past week! As I mentioned the other day she lost a tooth in the middle of the night, still haven't found it but the tooth fairy was aware of the loss and visited anyway!! Then early this morning she came in "look my tooth has fallen out" I didn't even know she had another one that was loose, she says she just poked it with her tongue and it popped out!!
This is what she looks like at the moment!! I keep joking and telling her "that'll be no more corn on the cob for you for a while" which is her favourite, couldn't be that cruel so have had to cut if off the cob for her (it's so much easier to open a tin lol!!).
I came to the conclusion yesterday that she has been back to school since Monday so she must have been kissing the boys a lot!! She says "No Way"!

We had some sad news on Thursday evening, Matthew's mum has been poorly for a while, she's been finding it very difficult to to breath, even talking on the phone would be too much for her. We knew that from tests she had fluid on the lungs and on Thursday she went back to the doctors to get the result of her MRI scan which she had last week. Sadly when Matthew phoned to find out how she got on she told us it was cancer, oh my when he came off of the phone the tears flowed, he hadn't been sleeping very well for days worrying about it and now to be told this he's just thinking the worst. Today speaking to sis-in-law she told me it's actually secondary cancer stemming from the breast cancer that she had previously had and given the all clear for. I still well up thinking about it, for her, for Matthew, for his dad, I'm so hoping it's been caught early enough to treat, but as I mentioned himself and his brothers are all thinking the worst, and are thinking 'last christmas' etc we have to stay positive and hope that they will tell us everything and not keep us in the dark. We should know a bit more next week, she is going to have some fluid drained from her lungs which should help her breath more easily.
1 comment:
So sorry for your news, it's always hard to come to terms with isn't it,hopefully, the powers that be will be able to
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