On the Hollie nursery front, she walked in with a smile on her face, but by the time we had hung up her coat and went to find her frog (self register) the tears had started!! Charlotte and Xander came over to see her but she just clung to me not wanting me to leave, Charlotte told one of the assistants Hollie was crying and she came over took her hand and literally pulled her away from me. But no phone calls and of course she was fine when I picked her up!
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
A few challenges met!
On the Hollie nursery front, she walked in with a smile on her face, but by the time we had hung up her coat and went to find her frog (self register) the tears had started!! Charlotte and Xander came over to see her but she just clung to me not wanting me to leave, Charlotte told one of the assistants Hollie was crying and she came over took her hand and literally pulled her away from me. But no phone calls and of course she was fine when I picked her up!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
All go again
Monday, 28 April 2008
Last minute cards!
Here is the card from myself and DH, I used a Penny Black image that I received in a swap
the picture makes it look a bit dull, but the backing paper is glittered and I used my pearl watercolours, so it really sparkles! I have nearly finished the card from the girls I just need to add the greeting, so I will show you that tomorrow.
So now for yesterday's cards that I didn't get to show, first up is my oh so pretty 'christmas fairy' no no I thought not just for christmas!!
and finally for tonight, I have used the fab sketch from My Paperworld with one of my old Nellie's!!!
Hollie was upset again going into nursery, but I just left her with one of the teachers, I know they will ring if she doesn't settle. There was a new boy start this morning and he was sobbing bless him, so I know she isn't that bad. When I picked her up and asked if she had been ok they said not really only for the last hour, they were short staffed so couldn't fuss over them like normal, think that's what she needs, they need to get her joining in with the other children.
Lillie had her sponsored ERR (don't ask me what it stands for but it is an effective way of teaching/learning) they had to play a lot of games all involving the letters and words that they had learnt. Then there was like a fund raiser in addition to this to raise money for new big books for the class. There wasn't really that much there, but we stayed until the end for the raffle to be drawn, the girls were happy they both had their faces painted as butterflies!! and Lillie won a circus cake mix and some branston pickle, and I go to hell if I didn't win another jar!! and a pale of easter eggs!! Also won a bottle of wine and £5 gift voucher for virgin vie and mum the jammy git won £10. So it was ok and it was good to see the head teacher game for a laugh, having paper plates of squirty cream and mousse splattered all over her!! Don't know how much they made yet may find out tomorrow.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Where did the time go?
We bought 2 tester pots of paint for the outside of the house but they aren't the colour I want, I want a lemony colour, something pale yellow, not banana or lemon shades but paler, like Peppa Pigs house (my daughter has 1)! Can't find it anywhere, but I said they must do it as Balamory (another kiddie programme) have all different coloured houses!!! We could have it mixed up but the man advised Matthew not to? Incase we need to do touch ups! Uh dur we buy an extra tin at the time!!
We got home in time for Matthew's 'ex' to come round and buy 2 of our baby boy guinnea pigs so we are now down to 5 boy babies!
I have made a couple of cards, but it's too late to upload them now so will do it tomorrow!!
So chuffed as I now have my own signature, what do you think? Thanks to Nikki for her help!
Saturday, 26 April 2008
New Nellie's have arrived!!
and here is Ballet Maggie, I have coloured her outfit in plum as this is the colour Lillie and her friends have to wear when they go to ballet! I have noticed that her shoes aren't actually ballet shoes, but they look close I guess and who am I to complain, she still looks cute. Although I must admit to liking Nellie more than Maggie, I just think she is cuter!I have now stamped images of the other 4 stamps that I got, and have watercoloured the Christmas Fairy, but I'm not saving her for christmas as I think she can be used any time!
The weather has been lovely today, so the girls have been having fun outside, and even made a slide out of the heap of sand that is covered in a tarpaulin! Matthew has been putting new faschias and guttering on the front of the house, all part of the house makeover! Tomorrow we are off to look at carpet and lino for the new bit, then home to crack on plaster boarding the room, it's starting to take shape nicely!
Friday, 25 April 2008
Lots of cards!
Last one for today, this is another of my new Bella's although the actual one I have used on this card is one someone sent me with a batch of other images. I liked it so much a think it is a great image considering we all have computers, so think it will get much use!!
Hollie had an ok session at nursery this morning, although initially tears when I left, she soon got over it. I phoned to see how she was and if I should pick her up early as discussed earlier in the week, but the nursery assistant said that she was fine and had been joining in and had been playing outside in the cars and play house. She said it would be a shame to pick her up early as they were then about to have a dog visit as part of their pet week. She was happy when I picked her up and has told everyone about the dog she saw! Lillie's class had 3 lambs visit them yesterday so she was really happy as she had helped to feed one!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
So excited!
Sugar Nellie said on todays post that they should be in the shop in the morning, I had a quick look and they are there now, so bagged myself 5 of the new designs and 1 of Rachelle's that was in last week!! Now I'll be watching for the post AGAIN!!!!
So now a few cards to show you, this first one I mentioned yesterday it is using the Beatrix Potter stamp that came free with my magazine, also the papers!
Bbaaddd.... morning with Hollie and nursery, I asked her to paint us some picture's for the cupboards and one for the end of my desk, normally she says no but said she would if 'I' stayed with her, so I stayed whilst she painted 2 picture's. As I said I had got to go she started whining like normal, I spoke to the head to make sure we were still on for me to pick her up half an hour early and she said yes. So left Hollie clinging to her, she is driving me mad, a little boy Daniel came up to her and wanted to be with her and she just doesn't acknowledge any of them. However the phone rings less than an hour later, Hollie is still whining, covering her face and won't look at anyone, they can't pacify her can I pick her up!?! When I got there they said she had just stopped until the doorbell rang then she knew it was me!!!! It's driving me mad!
How funny just as I finished this post I had an email telling me that the new S.Nellie stamps were at Funky Kits, too late already checked out LOL....!!!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Baby cards
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Bbq's and strawberries!!
First up is a fruity little atc for the challenge over at Time to Craft, and I so hope I am one of the first 10 to enter as there is some scummy ribbon being given away!!
My 2nd card is for the Papertake weekly challenge which is to make a card using the sketch given. This took some work with all of the various layers etc but I think it was worthwhile, and have therefore added the 40's in the opposite corners of the image to give to Matthew who yep you guessed it will be 40 in June!! The Bella fella is one of my 3 new Bella stamps that arrived this morning, oooo.... how excited was I when I opened the envelope, I only ordered them on Sunday afternoon!!
BLOG CANDY ALERT! Sandy has got great blog candy up for grabs for 2 lucky people, she is celebrating her 10,000 hits on her blog, pop on over and take a look http://stempelchaotin.wordpress.com/
Hollie was loads better going to school this morning although when I was about to leave her face dropped, but a teaching assistant told her that they would go and put the picture's of 'some' of our guinnea pigs on the pet board and she liked that idea!! They are doing all about animals this term and had to take some pictures of their pets in some for the board and some for non-fictional books they are making about pets. She even got to do a picture on the computer which she was really happy about!
Lillie had no sooner gone to bed last night when I heard her crying, when I went to see what was up she was hanging over the loo being sick, bless her. Only thing was she had missed the acually bowl and sicked ALL over the back of the toilet yuuuuukkkkkk!!!!! I HAD to clear it up as Matthew had gone to darts, lucky git! otherwise I would normally make him do it. She did however go to school this morning and has been fine, fingers crossed she will keep tonights tea down!
Monday, 21 April 2008
'Blue' Bella!
That's it craft wise today!
Hollie had a better day today at nursery thankfully, although we did have tears again when we got there. I left her with an assistant teacher and went outside to have a word with the head nursery teacher, we decided that they will try and find her a 'special friend/friends' so she has someone to be with and to do things with. I had mentioned maybe switching to afternoon's if they were not so busy, but there are just as many children then, also condsider taking her out until September, she's only 3 afterall, but she said at least give her until half term which is a month or so away and then see how she is. There is NO way I will be taking her out after that length of time or else she will be terrible in September. Fingers crossed these little friends will stay with her and she will look forward to going. I know I say this after each nursery update, but one day it might just happen (hopefully!!!!!).
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Girls wear blue to!
Well we have a hole in our bedroom! Matthew has been itching to knock through to our new bedroom (extension) and with the windows going in yesterday, they did leave the glass out of the walk in wardrobe window so we could still get in and out! So even before breakfast this morning Matthew had started pulling back the carpet! Then ooooo.... the excitement he had made a hole!! The hole is now resembling a doorway, the door frame is in place, guess the next thing will be buying doors! He's not at work tomorrow so wants to get the dividing walls under way so I won't see much of him! Here he is just after breaking through, yes that is my bedroom that I have to sleep in until the new room is done! Nice!!
Scrummy blog candy
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Father's day card!
I got complemented on my cooking today by the window fitter!! Matthew has me supplying the builders/renerders/window fitters/roofers etc with bacon rolls and drinks to keep them happy!! The window fitter came to help Matthew fit the windows (obviously) we had bought them but he was unsure of how to fit them properly and I said I 'wanted' it done properly not bodged LOL...!! The window man phoned when he was on the way and told Matthew he would pick him up and take him for breakfast, so shortly after he arrived I gave them both a bacon, sausage and egg sandwich with a coffee, he was very happy and said if it were his wife no one would get anything!!! So then I set to baking my cake order, 6 plus 1 for my auntie and 1 for Matthew and Lillie's pack up, then I've been wanting to make a fruit cake I used to make a long while ago out of the Be-ro recipe book, it's a quick cake a bit like a madera with fruit not your christmassy type, and boy is it yummy, Matthew had 2 pieces and he doesn't particulary like fruit cake!!
Tomorrow the fun starts with the extension, we are knocking through from our bedroom aaarrgghh.....!! We've had to have a change around with the bed etc to make way for the hallway to be made, oh my goodness the mess it's going to make doesn't bare thinking about. Good news is we've found a shower the right size that will actually fit the en-suite with sliding doors and it's half the price of the one we originally liked but had the wrong opening for the door!
Friday, 18 April 2008
Nothing to show
I don't know what we are going to do in regards to Hollie and nursery, I know it is very early days she only started last Wednesday, but has cried every morning this week. Yesterday and again today we left her with Mrs Warren (nursery assistant) but she wouldn't leave her side, she referred to it as "having a tail, and a little shadow"!! Today they asked if I could "have a little talk with her over the weekend" about joining in with the other children! Yes I know she can't stay with the teacher all the time, and I do want her to mix and make friends but how do you explain that, the children there have been together since September/January and know each other? I've tried to explain this but she gets upset and says "she doesn't want to" it really is hard, I feel so sad for her, being all alone and the only people she knows ARE the TEACHERS!! They said they will see how it goes next week and if there is no change will to have a chat and see what they can sort out. Do we stop her going until September then she won't be the only new child, they will all be new, do we persivere and put up with the heartache in the hope that one day she will have friends and look forward to going. I just don't know. I wish I were more 'chatty' and easily make friends with the other mums, then could arrange a play day or something, but it's not me. I have 'my' friends whom I've had for a long time, and have made friends with a few mum's through Lillie being at school, but still not friendly enough for outings etc! aaaarrrggghhhhh.......... why can't things be easy?
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
This is the just started look
Before I had started this I had coloured this Bella image, it is the first time I have tried colouring the background in to, doesn't look too bad!!
Then I put the 2 together, not sure if I like it, I think the 2 together might be a bit much?My friend Kay asked if I could make a Liverpool footy card for her sons friend, so this is what I came up with. It uses the sketch from My Paper World (again!!!, I just love the sketches on here!) and is my card for the Sweet Sugar Nellie challenge which is to make a Sugar Nellie card without using patterned paper!
We thought we were going to be ok with Hollie and nursery today, she came into our bedroom full of smiles and really happy. She had 2 bowls of sugar puffs (most she has eaten for days and days!) then big mush Lillie sat at the table saying "I don't want to go to school, I don't want to go anymore, I hate it", so then Hollie started didn't she. We dropped Lillie off, and headed round to take Hollie she wimpered all the way, and started to make more of a fuss the closer we got, so I took her in, did the usual bits and again left her with Mrs Holmes, but she wasn't crying tears just making noise, as I looked back through the door she was fine just having a cuddle! No tears from me today, got that out of my system yesterday!!! When I picked her up she was happy again, and merrily told the lady in Somerfields what she had been doing, she even bumped into one of her new friends whilst we were there (she was one of the youngest at nursery when Lillie was there!!). We will see what tomorrow brings!
Off out tonight we have a new Arbuckles restaurant in town , we are taking mum and dad with us. Matthew's boss (my old one!) gave us a letter with an offer that if we booked this week we could get 50% off of the food menu, so we would be daft not to try it out! I've heard good reviews already, from my friend who is quite fussy, so looking forward to it.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
A card, some pictures and lots of tears!
We headed off to town to look at bathroom suites and 10minutes later Mrs Holmes phoned to say Hollie was 'absolutely fine' it still didn't stop the odd tear though!!
When I picked her up she was all smiles, so hopefully a good morning tomorrow and the rest of the week (fingers crossed!).
Anyway, here is the quick card I made this afternoon, I've had the horse part of the image coloured for a while just never got round to finishing it!
Looks like she likes tap more so than ballet, they are starting with 15minute tap sessions after their ballet lesson to see how they get on and if they like it. They have ballet exams next month so are working hard at their position etc!
Monday, 14 April 2008
A good day for challenges!
We had a lovely day yesterday, we got to Matthew's mum and dad's in time for lunch, that was after chasing around the countryside looking for fruit trees for them!!! They have just moved and when asked what they would like for mother's day and his dad's birthday they said they would like some fruit trees for the garden. His dad is in the process of digging a big veggie patch and hope to become fairly self sufficient (right term???), where did we finally get the trees? a carboot on the way!!! They were very pleased with them so it was worth it. We did also get our stroll along the beach, it was quite nice even though it started to rain a couple of times, luckily they were only little showers!
My girls skimming pebbles, it was funny because one of the waves came right in so they had to run away from it before they got wet!!
Had problems with Hollie this morning, she got dressed and headed to nursery fine, put her bag and coat away, found her frog (with name on for self registering), then she headed to the playdough table, but as soon as she sat down she turned to me and burst into tears. I stayed with her for half an hour but everytime I mentioned going soon she started crying again, so in the end I brought her home again, I think the weekend has messed things up a bit as she was ok the end of last week! Oh well try again tomorrow with a bit of bribery ;0) she also has a friend coming round to play afterwards so that will be something to look forward to. Fingers crossed!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Nothing to show today
Went to visit mum and dad, mum is much better now and ready to go back to work on Tuesday. Then home to get the tea, so no time for anymore crafting today, and none tomorrow as we are off to visit Matthews mum and dad in their new house, by the sea, so if it's nice enough we may go for a stroll along the beach!!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Some challenge cards
Well our wonderful builders have finished, they have no more to do, how's that our extension up and ready for the roof and they only started on Tuesday, what's more they didn't come on Wednesday, 3 days that's all it took!!! To top it all the boss even dropped the price and gave us some money back!!!! They said they will gladly come back anytime if we need any more building work done, I think it was the constant supply of coffee, bacon rolls first thing, biscuits, doughnuts etc that did the trick!! The roofers are coming on Monday, then Matthew has the windows to fit, and then the real fun begins, knocking through from our bedroom!!! Yes we have to reduce the size of our current room to put in a hallway to the new room, but it will still leave a decent enough double room. It all quite exciting we never thought it would happen this quickly.