and here are witch Lillie and spider Hollie dressed in their halloween costumes!
We have a fabulous prize this week which has been kindly donated by Lana from Dotty do Crafts, why not nip over and take a peek and look at the rest of the design teams cards to, lots of sparkles!
This card is also my entry for this weeks Secret Crafter challenge which is to use the sketch provided.
My card also passes for the Stamp Something challenge this week which is 'something for the birds' my snowman is holding a bird house and has a little birdie sitting on his hand.
Well I feel like my birthday has come a day early, I hadn't long been home from the school run this morning when the door bell rang, I thought it was the postman, but no, it was a lady with a boquet of flowers from my darling hubbie! He hasn't sent me flowers in about 5 years I think! mainly because for the past 5 or so years we go to Norwich for a day of shopping followed by a mexican at one of our favourite restaurants, so I am not usually home to receive them, so I do let him off, and he does buy me flowers when the urge grabs him to do so! Anyway here I am with my pretty flowers
I must admit I love this card, it's sitting on top of my printer and I keep looking at it Lol.! It's going to be a shame to post it off for the competition, but it has to be done, and as a forum friend used to say "you have to be in it to win it" and the prize is £100 worth of goodies and we all love goodies!
Nikki (Tink) is going to send 1 lucky follower of her blog a handmade box of surprise goodies, pop over and see here and if you are not a follower become one then you can join the list!
Rach is offering one lucky person a gorgeous Whiff of Joy stamp donated by Katharina along with some extra lovelies here
and don't forget mine, you still have until the end of Friday to join in, see here
The prize this week is a really cute High Hopes stamp called 'First Ride' and has been kindly donated by Bryony from Silly Monkey Crafts.
So what are you waiting for let's see your spooky goulish cards etc and please don't forget to check out the rest of the design teams cards which are fab.
Yesterday whilst the girls amused themselves, Matthew and I moved bedrooms, what a task!! How can we accumilate so much? Easy I don't like throwing things away, that includes clothes that I know I'll never get into again how ever successful'a diet I go on! It seemed like we were staying somewhere else last night, but how ever hard we try it won't stay like it for long we're just not like that, sadly!
My Candy can be found here
Paul is celebrating 15,000 hits to his blog with a fab candy for one lucky person, Paul's cards etc are fab, it's nice to see a man amongst so many of us females! Take a look here
Tracey is celebrating reaches and rapidly sailing past 100 hits to her blog, was 188 when I looked a minute ago! The candy is a surprise as she is not sure what it will be at the minute which I think makes it all the more exciting! See here
Mindy is having her first blog candy and the goodies are scrummy, you can see them here
Don't forget mine to which you can see below
Jenny is speeding towards her 10,000 blog hits, and has a lovely bundle of candy up for grabs, she will pick a winner once the counter hits the mark! You can check it out here
To join in all you have to do is add a link on your blog referring to my candy then come back and leave a comment on this post.
All the names will be put in a box and I will get my youngest daughter Hollie to pick the winner which will be announced sometime on Saturday 25th October (day after my birthday!)
Closing date and time for my candy is Friday 24th October midnight UK time.
Thank you and good luck!