Wednesday 8 October 2008

Wooo Hooo..... I've passed the 10,000 mark!!

Yep big Wooo Hooo's... last night my visitors counter was at 9,995 to my disbelief when I looked this morning it read 10,033 and OMG just before adding this post it's at 10,071. I seriously can't believe it, I am overwhelmed and thrilled that people take time out to have a read and look at my makes. I am sorting out some blog candy and will probably put something up around the weekend/next week and it will coincide with my upcoming birthday, so don't forget to pop back!

My friends middle son Jack is 5 today, she asked me at the weekend if I could make her a couple of cards a Ben 10 one for Jack and Bob the Builder for Ben who is 2 next week. So after a spot of 'googling' found the perfect images and set to work. I printed both images twice so that I could layer one with foam pads just to stop it being too flat.
Ben's Bob card
Jack's Ben 10 cardand the footy spring card that I made from us! Kay was thrilled with the cards, we popped round with the present and our card this afternoon, can you believe we bought him a red formula 1 remote control car and what was his cake? Yep a red formula 1 racing car!!! How spooky!!!


cats whiskers said...

Wow MY GS would love these must have a go at doing something like this I love the Ben 10 one
Hugs Jacqui x

cats whiskers said...

Oh sorry Hun forgot to say Congrats on reching 10,000 WTG

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Great cards Joanne and congratulations on all those hits, Hugs, Nikki x

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Hi Joanne and congrats on the 10,000 hits, I'm not surprised, your blog is brilliant! Wonderful cards, I love them all but Bob the Builder is fantastic!!! Made me laugh about the formula one situation. Hope you have a really lovely birthday. Chris x

Rach said...

Three lovely cards Joanne,
must say that ben 10 is my favourite..we watch that on a school morning...(me and hubby..not the kids..haha how sad!)

Jill said...

wow Joanne you've been busy and they are all gorgeous, congratulations on your 10,000 hits Jill x

Claire said...

Great cards and congratulations on reaching and speeding past 10,000 visitors.


Mrs Mayne said...

These are fab Joanne! Thanks for joining us for the challenge! x