Whilst blog hopping a few days ago I came accross Sally-Ann's blog
Grab-a-doodle-do she has some fab downloads which she has designed herself, at the moment there is a 'free' download' to celebrate her upcoming birthday! I purchased the 'Fun and Girly' and 'Fairy Fun' sets, these are fab because not only to you get blank images to colour yourself but also coloured images to, which are so quick to use when you are in a hurry, my problem was deciding which papers to use Lol.!!
Anyhow here are a couple of quick Fun and Girly cards

and 3 cards using the Fairy Fun download images

very simple card, greens for a change, added the '6' so Lillie can give it to her next friend who turns '6' at school.

pretty pinks, the spotty paper almost matches the toadstool! I used my punch for the stars then covered them in glue then glitter, added the one in the centre of the flower to match the one on the wand!

finally a yellow/beige fairy, added gold glitter to the stars this time, and used the sketch from
Sketch Saturday, thought it looked like it was missing something so added the faux stitching around the edge of the card and the image, shame it smudged a little bit, but not all that noticeable.

Well it was Hollie's first day back at nursery this morning, I wasn't sure how it was going to go. She seemed happy to be going back, we had talked about it most days, keeping the chat upbeat and saying how as she is one of the oldest she had got to help the new boys and girls settle in and find things as they wouldn't know . Everytime someone said about her going back she would say "I am going to do lots of painting and colouring and playing inside and outside, and have lots of parties to go to!" Lillie has been to a few parties recently so I told Hollie when she makes lots of new friends she will have lots of parties to go to to, bless her! Last night we were sorting out what she was going to wear, they don't have to wear school uniform so we had laid out jeans and a top, until I mentioned the school dress like Lillie's, that was it she wanted to wear that, so we laid it on the end of the bed like Lillie's and this morning she was dressed first! We dropped Lillie off first then went round the corner to the nursery, popped her book bag in her tray, hung her bag on her peg, nice that they had kept them in the same place and not moved them. Then she found her frog (self register) and paid her snack money and I left her with Miss Nicholls looking at the picture she had made for them. No tears, no fuss at all and big smiles when I picked her up, she told me she had had a nice time but hadn't done any painting! Oh well plenty of days for that heh!
Hollie has made a few of these pictures since Lillie has been back to school, as she has been a bit lost without her. The pictures are Sarah Kay clipart as I don't have any of the stamps, her colouring is getting pretty good considering she's not 4 until christmas. I cut my scraps of paper into pieces for her then she merrily sticks them onto a piece of A5 card with the picture in the middle. Brings them to me when she has finished and I make the holes and add the ribbon or fibres to hang her pictures with. She took the one on the left to school today but insisted I added a bow to her hat before she took it!!
Oh Joanne bless her heart, brings back memories, when I picked my eldest up after his first day, he said he had enjoyed but didn't think he would go back again, Oh the innocence of youth. Hollies cards are fantastic such good colouring for her age obviously going to take after you
Hugs to you all
Jacqui x
Wow Joanne, you have been busy love all your cards and Hollies cards are so pretty. Hugs Nikki x
these cards are fantastic Joanne :) x
Wow, you've sure een busy Joanne!! Fab cards, love the yellow one - so pretty
hugs Bev x
Wow, lovely selection of cards and thanks for the link, I've saved it.
wow, you have been busy, lots of gorgeous cards there, fab colours and lovely images, thanks for joining us at SS this week
Gill x
wow, check these out. beautiful! I love those colours.
your little girls makes are very pretty too.
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