1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite http://www.tammyvitale.com/ so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women. And remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
Again I don't have time to pass this on, so if you are on my blog roll on the right or are reading this message right now consider yourself awarded!!
The very lovely Jaqui (Cats Whiskers) is celebrating receiving 10,000 hits with some very yummy blog candy, go have a look Jaqui's creations are fabulous http://jacqui47.blogspot.com/
Yesterday the girls had a lovely day out with my auntie and uncle as we had a funeral to go to. Sadly my auntie Glayws, dads sis-in-law passed away last week very suddenly, so we had the 3+hour journey to Bridgenorth. It was only 2 years ago that uncle Tony (her hubby) died, we only just made it in time as the AA route planner didn't take into consideration the new toll road!! We were literally running down the road, what a palava! This time with the sat nav and better organization we made it with an hour to spare. The service was very nice and Kevin and Clive (sons) did very well (Clive found her and Kevin was on hol and blames himself for not being there) it was nice to catch up with them although would have been nicer under happier circumstances. We left home to pick mum, dad and my sister up at 7.30am and got home at 7.30pm so it was a long day. We picked the girls up, then left them with mum and dad, whilst we nipped to the pub and had a very nice meal to finish off the day.
Poor Matthew he said when he came home, that since the funeral all he's thought about today is who will be next, thinking that his parents aren't getting any younger, but you can never guess, it could happen to any of us no matter what the age.
To finish off on a happier note, we had a lovely day out, well afternoon, at Park Farm on Sunday, we should have been going to a Fairy Fair but someone Matthew spoke to had been the day before and said her daughter was so scared of the craft tent she wouldn't even go in, and there were a lot of people dressed as goblins walking about that were a bit scarey. So we changed our plans knowing that it took all day before Hollie would go near Gully and Gilly mouse at Gullivers! We were in the barn on time to feed the lambs and as it was quiet visitor wise we got to feed 7 times per family so that was fab!

Great cards, thanks for taking part in the MTTC challenge this week xx
Card that is, not cards lol!!
Ofcourse you were on my award list!!;) Great winter card!! I can't make them when it is so hot outside..! I admire you!:)
Hugs, Camilla.
Hi,lovely card,and nice photo's of the girls.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for your kind comments,
Sandra x
Gorgeous card Joanne I love the image and colour scheme you have used.
Hugs Debbie x
Gorgeous card Joanne and I love the colour scheme and the cute image, Congratulations on receiving the award too. Love the picture of your girls holding hands at the farm and Danni has the little outfit on the left. Hugs, Nikki x
Deine Karte gefällt mir sehr gut!
Das Foto von Deinen Mädchen ist reizend!!!!!!
Hugs Gisela
Gorgeous card Jo! So sorry for you loss. Glad you had a good day today though and that picture is gorgeous-scrapbook page is calling I think!xx
Love your Let it Snow card. Timely reminder to start thinking about Christmas.
Great card, and cute image too. Thanks for joining in with the MTTC challenge this week :o) Jo x
Great card, fab image.
Great card! Love the black and white papers and the PB image! Thanks for joining us for the challenge! x
Well done on your award.
GREAT CARD - looks fun.
Those pictures and brilliant, ?scrapbook page?
Awwww...what a perfectly SWEET picture!! :) Wish I would've gotten more of these types of pics of my two girls.
love the photo of the girls walking..a lovely natural moment captured!
Love your christmas card!
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