I want to SCREAM!!!!!!...................... aaarrrggghhhh.....................
My once lovely little girl Hollie is turning into the biggest nightmare child going. We have just done the school run, I am making her walk now as I feel at 3 she should and we should no longer rely on the buggy, some days she is an angel, others gggggrrrrrr.......! Today she DID NOT want to hold my hand, I told her she has to as she is not walking along the path without so every so many steps she would through a paddy and dropped onto her knees! This happened all the way up the school and coming home even threw herself onto the path making a scene, she did hold my hand the rest of the way home with relatively little fuss. Earlier when I went into the room to sit down a while as I now have a 'wonderful' cold I noticed she had been messing around with and broken a couple of bits of Lillie's new Barbie toys, why does she have to wreck everything???? I am soooo.. fed up with battling her over almost everything at the moment, the 'terrible two's' struck late now she is a even more terrible three, I hate to say it and even think it but roll on after easter when she starts nursery, I am starting to wish that I HAD sent her when then started back in January when I could've.
Anyways enough of that, my little rant over, feeling calmer now!
This weekend was totally taken over by ballet. Saturday was rehearsals so I had to take Lillie up to the high school so they could run through the 2 dances she was in, this was the first time they had been on the stage, it went very well.
Home for a little while and back to the school for 1.15pm dressed in her first costume for full dress rehearsal. There was no organization for looking after the children at all, and my friend was doing 'quick change' so she was in another part of the school, when her daughter and Lillie came back from their first dance she was quite upset at her mum not being there so how could I possibly leave them, basically to fend for themselves. I should've been home backing my 10 sponges whilst she was gone, but instead spent 3+hours sitting around waiting!
Yesterday we were back to the school again, this was it 1pm 'show time' I made sure Lillie was dressed and ready and then left her with another mother who was helping with the dancers refreshments so she said she could spend most of the time looking after them, phew as again there seemed to be no-one to look after them. The 'show' was very good, pretty impressive to think she only has the girls + 2 boys for 1 half hour lesson a week, and not during school half/full terms. I must admit to leaking a couple of tears when Lillie and her class came out and did their first dance, bless them they were so cute and no tears from any of them. I did see a couple of emotional dancers and they were older than Lillie, but Lillie is a 'show off' so I knew she would be ok!!
2nd performance 5pm Lillie had to be there at 4.15pm and Matthew and I were doing the raffle, made sure she was dressed and this time attended to and off I went to do my duties, Matthew had already been busy with early arrivers so was pleased that I had turned up to help. Although we were a bit nervous of doing it he said he preffered doing that and catching most of the show (as we sold tkts during the interval to) than sitting around waiting first time around. We actually won a bottle of wine in our raffle (no fix hones!) and my auntie won twice!!
That's it over and done with and back to normal lessons again tomorrow. That said she usually does a show ever 2 years so we'll know what to expect next time around!
Sorry no crafty makes these past few days, no time and with this cold no desire to do so!